Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hoodoo/ Conjure Floor Sweeps

Hoodoo/ Conjure Floor Sweeps

Growing up we had hard wood floors. I remember our house always smelled nice and it felt good. I’m using the word Floor sweep here because I think folks will understand it better, I was raised calling it “dusting”.  If you called anyone of my siblings or my children or grandchildren and asked them what was good to remove problems from the home they would all tell you coffee grounds. My daughter would tell you to sprinkle coffee grounds from back to front while praying and let it sit for a while. My brother would tell you to take the morning coffee grounds squeeze a little lemon juice into them let them dry then sprinkle them throughout the house. My mama would have added a little soda to that.

Coffee grounds will cut and clear anything that is disturbing the household. It will also get rid of any odors. Pine straw gathered in the west side of the house, then sprinkled on the floor will remove all crossed conditions placed on the house. Start from back to front early in the morning before the dew dries; leave it on the floors until the sun begins to set. Then sweep it out the door to the road. Rose Mary and soda make a good cleansing sweep. It also keeps the woman of the house in charge. My mama kept rose pedals and soda under her bed to keep peace in the bedroom. She would sweep it out of the house once a week and put fresh down.

You can place lavender and soda under your furniture in your home to ensure peace and blessings. Change it once a week placing it in the East side of your yard. Floor sweeps are old conjure remedies to keep the home running smooth. On-Line conjurers don’t know nothing about them because you can’t find them in a search engine! I would give more information on this but I am tired of folks STEALING my information and claiming it as their own to make them LOOK like an old school worker!  Momma Starr

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