Saturday, June 8, 2013


I wanted to share a work I did but I also wanted to clear up a little misconception about this work. Some folks think when you do a beef tongue to shut someone up all you have to do is fill the tongue and wrap it up; this is absolutely NOT right. I'll explain why. If you are going to shut someones mouth and stop them from bothering you then you need to sew the tongue shut. As in sewing their mouth shut! All old school workers are taught this when they are taught shut up work. I'm not sure where this wrapping thing came from but if you want to shut someones lips and stop them from bothering you then you need to sew those lips closed. Common sense will tell you that.
In the old days a lot more was added to the tongue than just personal items and hot stuff. I'm not gonna share that with you because I don't want it used on me. I've added pictures so you can get an idea on how this work is done. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Out of Pocket

I'm sorry I have been out of pocket lately but I plan on blogging at least once a week. I want to share what has bee going on with me so here is some info.

A few things have happened since I last blogged, I am now a published author with Pendraig publishing. My first book with them came out in April and now I am proud to announce my deck of reading cards. They can be found here.'Conjure'

The next thing is I have done two radio show's in less than a week and anyone who knows me knows thats a big step. I have a few topics I want to blog about so keep and eye open and I hope you enjoy the radion shows. They both have wonderful hosts I felt right at home. Momma Starr

My darlin Christian Day!

My new guys who I think I really want to know better!

Of course I might as well put out there that the Folk Magic  Festival is right around the corner in NOLA November 8-11, 2013