Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Truth About Souring Jars

The Truth About Souring Jars

What does a souring jar do? To be blunt; a souring jar is made to SOUR someone’s life! You don’t get to pick and choose what part of their life you are souring; the jar sours their whole life until it is busted period! There is a misconception with workers who have learned on-line Hoodoo about these jars. Real time Conjure workers would have been taught better. This just proves what I have said all along, internet Hoodoo’s only learned part of the work.

If you place a couple in a souring jar to separate them then you are SOURING BOTH PEOPLE! Why would anyone do that? Maybe because they don’t know any better! The only person that is put in the jar is the TARGET! Folks need to understand that when you sour a relationship that persons whole life is soured; money, love, job, family every aspect of the targets life. Folks really need to stop messing around with this work if they don’t know what they are doing.

Common sense will tell you anyone placed in a souring jar will be soured; that is a fact! So why am I hearing about so called workers doing these jars and crossing folks up? They are not only putting the target in the jar but the other person in the relationship in the jar; therefore they are both being soured. Some of these folks are claiming it has been handed down in their families; well I don’t want them doing work for me.

I’m not going to tell you how to work a souring jar; because this can be dangerous if it isn’t done right. Folks are taking Hoodoo/Conjure much too lightly when it can in fact be dangerous and you can ruin someone’s life if you don’t know what you are doing. This is not a game or an easy way to make money you are dealing with real folks who depend on your knowing what you claim to know. Momma Starr


  1. took me a few reads to get what you were trying to communicate. So if say a woman wants to break-up an affair her husband is having with another woman then she shouldn't place her husband in the jar because it's going to sour him and ruin him for her, but to focus on the other woman. Got you. Plus there are so many different ways to do break-up work. I guess people may only know about the vinegar jars. It's so funny because I was taught to use a turnip by one of my teachers and then back like 2000 or so I posted it online and then a lot of people have been using it claiming that it was something they always did. LOL

  2. Hey DocConjure there are more than one way to do a work. The problem is folks learn a thing or two and then think that work is the end-all so that's all they talk about in their work. A perfect example of this is the moving candle spell. If you want to bring together or separate something moving some candles around is not the only way to do it. You can draw and remove something from you just using one candle.
