Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Conjure San Ramon

Saint Ramon is a Spanish saint. He can be worked with when you want to shut someone’s mouth. If someone is harassing you and you want them to stop use San Ramon. Here’s what you need.

San Ramon candle

1 penny

the persons name


and a powered herb that is used to shut people up.

Light the candle once a bit of wax has melted get some on your finger and place it over the face of San Ramon, then stick the penny over the face. Write the person’s name under the penny in a straight line down the glass. Then sprinkle the powdered herb in the candle and call on San Ramon to shut their mouth. Let the candle burn all the way out. This works fast within three hours of lighting the candle


  1. Could alum powder be used here? I grew up using it as a remedy for sores in the mouth or when accidently biting the inside of my mouth and oh I can see why it's suggested to sour or pucker someones mouth...

    1. Yes alum is good for shut up work but with San Ramon all you have to do is the candle. He works really fast. Momma Starr

    2. What I meant to say was he will work even if you don't have an herb to feed the work. There will be more to come on San Ramon he is really good with helpping in money situation. Momma Starr

  2. Momma Starr, I paid for a 30 min consultation and e-mailed you a couple of days ago about an appointment but haven't heard back yet. Did I end up in your junk mail folder, or am I being impatient?

    1. Lord Sarah I guess the e-mail mnster took it lol. I don't see it in either junk or my e-mail. Can you resend it please so I can set you a time. Momma Starr
